
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Let's Create An Art Journal

Chat time. :)

I've been blogging since 2009 when I decided to start sharing what I was crafting with you. I have loved creating cards, tags, 3D objects, etc. But at the end of the year last year, I knew I was getting burned out and needed to find a new direction to go with my crafting. That's why I chose Project Life Scrapbooking. I can't tell you how much I love messing with photos and creating little filler cards for the pockets in my scrapbook. So fun.

Yesterday a friend of mine commented on my post with my memory verse for January 15 with Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team. She said she wanted to create an Art Journal with Scripture and follow MayMay's prompts every week. I never heard of MayMay, but luckily my friend provided me with a link to her YouTube channel.

I watched a couple of MayMay's videos and joined her Facebook page. I love looking at art. The pages these people have created for Scripture verses blows me away. I wish I had that talent. But you know what? That's okay. We don't all have the same gifts. Even though I'm no artist by a long shot, I decided to play along with MayMay's "Hide His Word in my HeART"  Art Scripture Journal. It's okay if my pages lack talent because I'm all about enjoying the activity.

The first Week's verse was Psalm 119:105. You should see the pages that were created. Just jaw-dropping wow. Want to see my very simple page? I didn't go out and buy a fancy art journal or watercolor papers or anything like that. I just used a spiral notebook I already had.

spiral notebook
date stamp
Project Life card
Tim Holtz Distress ink
Stampin' Up ink and flower stamps
Alphabet stamps
Bic markers
Colored Pencils
Aqua Painter (hence the wrinkled page from the water) - maybe it's heat waves? LOL
NIV Bible

There you go.
If I can do this, anyone that is remotely interested can do it too. Who cares if you don't draw like an artist. I sure don't. Expect a lot of doodling on future pages from me instead of drawings. LOL

:) Janis

Links you may enjoy:
Maymay's Introduction to 2015 Hide His Word in my HeART
MayMay's Facebook Group
Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Janis, I am so loving your page for the first scripture in MayMay's HeART challenge!!! I think you did a great job on this and I am very impressed! I still haven't done mine but will get to both hopefully tomorrow. I don't have to go anywhere, so I'm going to wash and do my two scriptures. Great job!! Hugs, Brenda
